Ethernet OAM Software - ITU G.8031 Linear APS
NComm’s ITU G.8031 Linear APS software provides a complete source code solution for those developers needing to incorporate standard compliant ITU G.8031 capabilities into their products. The ITU G.8031 source code is delivered in ANSI C. Operation under the Linux operating system as well as other operating systems is provided. The G.8031 software has been fully qualified and NComm will assist in any additional conformance issues that might come up during full product homologation testing.
The architecture of the Ethernet OA&M software module is shown below. The module will implement the Ethernet OA&M requirements of G.8031 while allow your application to integrate the feature in to your system.
Ethernet OAM | Standard: ITUG.8031 |
The G.8031 module sends and receives the APS messages using the Y.1731 message format as defined by the Y.1731 standard. NComm G.8031 provides for operation on different hardware platform which can provide assistance with implementing redudant hardware platforms. APS Switching - The G.8031 modules uses interface status information reported by the 803.1ag and Y.1731 module to determine if an APS switch is required. The APS swtiching algorithms will look at the following faults/conditions: Loss of continuity (dLOC) Unexpected Priority (dUNPr) Cross Connect (dMMG) Unexpected MEP (dUNM) Unexpected Period (dUNP) Remote Defect Indication (dRDI) Alarm Indication Signal (dAIS) Lock Condition (dLCK) Customer Signal Fail (dCSF-LOS dCSF-RFI dCSF-RDI) Degrade (dDEG) Bridge Function - The bridge function manages what packets are transmitted over regular and/or protection interface. The bridge function is managed by the G.8031 module. Select Function - The select function manages what packets are selected from the regular and/or protection interfaces and passed through the bridge. The Select function is managed by the G.8031 module. APS Configuration Options - The G.8031 module can be configured to operate as follows: 1+1 or 1:1 Unidirectional or Bidirectional Revertive or Non-revertive (with configurable Wait-to-Restor timer) Enabling or disabling the Broadcast Bridge mode of operation Manual APS Commnands supported by the G.8031 module: Lockout Protection Force Switch to Protection Switch from Protection Freeze and Clear Freeze Exercise Clear Command APS Faults are automatically detected and reported by the G.8031 Module: Getting APS messages on the working channel (dFOP-CM) Getting bad B-bit value (dFOP-PM) APS switch time taking longer than 50ms (dFOP-NR) Loss of APS messages (dFOP-TO) |